
  • Amarillo Dry Carpet Cleaning - Organic Carpet Cleaning

Organic Carpet Cleaning Can Help the Environment And You

Carpet cleaning that is safe and effective is quickly becoming the carpet cleaning method of choice. This article discusses the many advantages of dry organic carpet cleaning. Whether you are a stay-at-home parent or a parent that works full-time, keeping a home, pets and children safe is a number one priority. You do your best

  • Amarillo Dry Carpet Cleaning - pet friendly training

A Better Way To Train Your Dog & Save Your Carpet

Basics of Dog Training It’s essential for Dog parents like you to know certain basic factors that determine your relationship with your Dog and can go a long way in training him effectively. Before you begin training your Dog, it is absolutely essential that you build a loving bond with him. This is important as

Do You Have A New Puppy?

Potty training a puppy can be very time consuming and extremely frustrating. Here's the ideal solution to the problem! The Puppy Apartment is a one bedroom, one bathroom home that teaches and trains your puppy/dog to always go potty in their own indoor doggie bathroom. It eliminates the time and frustration out of potty training

Easy & Quick Carpet Dent Remedies

Indentations in carpets are eyesores I run across quite often and to me they look almost as bad as a permanent spot or stain.  The good news is that carpet dents are typically an easy problem to fix.  They look like permanent, but that’s rarely the case. Here are two fast and easy remedies.

Simple Solutions: Pet Stains and Odor Removal

If you’re a pet owner you know that accidents happen. There’s just no getting around it. When your loving pet leaves their mark on your carpet, you could call a professional carpet cleaning company specializing in pet stains and odor removal, or if you’re up to the task, and you’re prepared, you can deal with

Selecting Carpeting For Your Home – Protecting Your Investment

Carpeting for your home represents a substantial investment – usually the 2nd most expensive investment you’ll make as far as furnishing your home is concerned. Here’s a really helpful video from HGTV’s Amy Matthews who has some expert tips on protecting the investment you make in the carpets for your home.

Carpet Made From Corn? Gotta See This!

Take a look at the SmartStrand “Zoo” Challenge… this is wild – and good info to have if you’re about to replace your existing carpeting. If you’re in the market for new carpet and are in the need for a carpet that will really take some punishment, i.e. kids, friends, family, pets, etc., you need

How to Improve the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) In Your Home

Are you, or is someone in your family suffering from indoor issues? Is your family suffering from allergies, asthma, and frequent headaches? Indoor air pollution in your home may be the prime culprit. Believe it or not, carpet in the home can be the solution to better indoor air quality.

Six Common Misconceptions About Residential Carpeting

Every week I hear numerous comments from homeowners that have brought me to the realization that there are numerous misconceptions when it comes to carpeting in the home as a flooring option.   In this article I want to separate fact from fiction and set the record straight.

5 Tips for Maintaining Clean, Healthy Carpet

Effectively maintaining your carpets between professional carpet cleanings will keep your carpets looking great, extend the life of your carpets and equally important, improve the indoor air quality (IAQ) in your home.